IT is Resiliency

People say that knowledge is an asset that cannot be stolen or borrowed that is why parents give their blood and sweat to send their children to school and hope they earn the knowledge they will need in the future.

IBO GAMOS: New Bayanihan
Source: drawing+1.jpg

Being in the frontline during emergencies, knowledge management is important for us especially in decision-makings and policy implementation because many lives are at stake. In fact, the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management practices shifted from reactive to a proactive one incorporating how to prevent and mitigate hazards and risks in the communities because of knowledge management. DRRM policies are now based on historical data of impacts of disasters and considered other factors such as capacitating of responders, land use plans and environmental protection.


Knowledge management is beneficial, not only to our organization, but also to every organizations. Office of Civil Defense as the frontline of disaster management, also values the knowledge and experiences of every personnel in every disaster. Thus, OCD VI tries to process these knowledge and experiences by reflecting them in our Contingency Plan, Regional DRRM Plan, Public Service Continuity Plan and other plans and policies that may help the regional office continue its operations despite the going in and out of personnel.


Indeed, knowledge is power but knowledge sharing is empowerment. We may know how to manage a disaster, but sharing them to communities to capacitate them and increase their adaptability, allowing them to be resilient in times of calamities. 
